Locating Women as Film and Book Publishing Professionals in Europe
An ERICarts Report in partnership with FinnEKVIT, Mediacult, Observatorio das Actividades Culturais and the Zentrum für Kulturforschung
See Research Teams for full list of participating researchers.
ARCult Media, 2005
EU Programme Relating to the Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality (2001-2005)
Co-financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Culture and Science, the Finnish Council for Equality, the Portuguese Observatorio das Actividades Culturais, the German Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth.
Culture-Biz is the third in a series of comparative studies analysing the status of women and their professional development in the arts and media fields in Europe.
Research teams were assembled in Austria, Finland, Germany and Portugal to locate women as creative and managerial decision-makers working in specific branches of the audiovisual industries: namely fiction book publishing and film production. The results of these research studies are examined in comparison.
The results bring transparency about the position of female artists and professionals working in the cultural field at a time of pending revisions to the EU Directives on "equal opportunities" and on "working time". They also help to bridge the economic focus of the EU Lisbon Strategy (culture industries) with the Commission's Social Agenda (to promote gender equality) by examining the potential for women to achieve decision-making positions at different stages of the culture industries value chain and by comparing their status in large, medium and small sized companies making up the film production and book publishing sectors.
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Here summaries of the findings in English and German and the two introductory articles of Danielle Cliche and Andreas Joh. Wiesand:
- English Summary
- Deutsche Zusammenfassung
- A. J. Wiesand: Success Stories and Witch Hunts – Women in Book Publishing
- D. Cliche: A Reel or a Raw Deal for Women in the Film Biz?
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