European Cultural Co-operation (G2CC)
January 2005 - December 2006
European Commission
The ERICarts Institute is one of four co-organising partners in this EU funded project together with the European Cultural Foundation/LABforCulture, Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (FF), and On the Move Association (OTM).
The G2CC project analysed and disseminated information and knowledge on cross-border and transnational cultural cooperation in Europe. Among other activites, the project partners generated an analysis of existing resources available to increase the mobility of artists and cultural operators (OTM) and produced case studies of best practices of European cultural co-operation (FF). The European Cultural Foundation/LAB managed the entire G2CC project.
The main activities undertaken by the ERICarts Institute within the G2CC project were to:
- Develop a conceptual framework for "European cultural co-operation" and make it operational, easily accessible and "digestible" for cultural operators and other users from the field; to
- Identify research resources on European cultural co-operation and analyse major findings, including trends and recommendations; and to
- Provide an analysis of national cultural policies influencing European cultural co-operation.
The end results contributed to a new platform for European Cultural Co-operation: the LabforCulture (closed), a partner initiative of the European Cultural Foundation.
G2CC Results
(Project closed)
Contributions of the ERICarts Institute to G2CC (2005-7):
- Summary Report with main documents and results annexed
(including "European Cultural Cooperation - Definition and Elements of a Conceptual Framework" - National Policies Influencing Cultural Cooperation and Mobility in Europe